it strives to change. In this day and age, media is the powerful agent of information and influence in all areas of life. That is why Gregory takes a particular interest in the field of Christian media.
Gregory has developed many resources for use in Spanish church settings. You can view them here. Or if you would like some help in using media in your church setting, go to Gregory's FishXpressions site. is the largest and the best (in our opinion) of all distributors of short Christian videos for church use. Gregory has a vast, and ever-growing portfolio of videos there as well as on their Spanish couter-part. (Search: "fishxpressions" or click here).
Gregory also is a columnist for a new online
This is a free subscription magazine in pdf form
where in the column "Greg's Tool Kit" Gregory
strives to help others get into the world of
Christian short films, using the talents that God
has given them.